Otherwordly Book Club!

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Program Type:

Books & Reading

Age Group:

Adults (Ages 18+)

Program Description


In the beam this month: "Light From Uncommon Stars" By: Ryka Aoki

Have you ever wondered what it'd be like to be a cursed violinist who must convince seven students to trade their souls for fame? Or ever had a crush on a single mom who's protecting her children from interstellar war? How about played the violin so well that you piqued the interest of the woman they call "Queen of Hell"? Yeah, me either, but doesn't it sound absolutely amazing? In this novel, we follow three women in a tale about endurance, determination, and galactic warfare. We're introduced to the infamous teacher, Shizuka Satomi in her pursuit of long awaited freedom. Along the way she meets her potential seventh victim transgender violinist, Katrina Nguyen and love interest, donut shop owning, Lan Tran. This novel is filled with wild adventure and references every space fan will love. But watch out, the aliens are among us in this story and keep a vigil eye for the book is out there!