1160 E SR 205 P.O. Box 406 Columbia City, IN 46725 United States
Bring out the entire family for this awesome game night!
We will have various board games laid out for your family to enjoy and play.
Join us as we bring back one of our most popular programs!
At tales with tails we will have a service dog at the library that you can sit with and read to!
You can probably even sneaks in a few pets as well!
Teens join us for an awesome time with all types of games! This month we will be playing some basketball games!
Each month we will explore different types of textiles as we create a homespun craft! This month join us as we make "Primitive Spring Egg"!
This month we will be reading 'The River We Remember' by William Kent Krueger. Come out and enjoy a cup of coffee and discuss an interesting book.
Bring your devices, cords, and questions to any of the mobile Tech Lab locations. No appointment necessary.
This is part of our weekly Homeschool Program. Homeschool Explore will focus on various school subjects, including Math, STEM, and History. This program is intended for any aged homeschooler and will have a variety of differentiated activities.
Toggle the date picker: Oct 2023 October 2023